Sunday, March 20, 2011


     Canned food is expensive since it contains water. The food tends to spoil faster than dry foods. Dry food can be put back into the bag if not eaten. Cats' breath may smell bad as a result of eating too much wet food. Stools might be softer. However since cats require high intakes of water, cats may benefit from eating wet food with a high water intake in them.

     Dry food does not contain water and the buildup of tartar maybe considerably less. The cats tend to crunch on the kibble which will result in strong and healthy teeth. Dry food is less expensive and does not smell as much as wet food. Dry food does not spoil quickly and can be kept for days. Stools will be firmer.
     Should A Cat Be Only Given Vegetarian Diets Or Vegan Diets?
Cats are carnivorous by nature. Cats in the wild are used to preying on flesh foods and have a digestive system that can absorb flesh foods which include eating fish and meat.
Their diet should generally include animal tissue for long term good health. Cats also require amino acids such as taurine and arginine. These acids are not available in natural vegetarian diets except in some concentrations in pumpkin seeds and certain sources of plants. This will not do any good to the cat. When there is no taurine in the food it can lead to blindness and eventually death. There is another nutrient similar to taurine known as arachidonic also found in animal tissues. Taurine is found in fish, little birds and rodents all food that cats eat mostly by preying. Cats cannot survive on a vegetarian diet or vegan diet alone, unless the owner provides a supplement which consists of taurine in the food.

     Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
Dog food should not be given to cats. It is not healthful for cats and lacks the right balance of nutrients. Cats require more protein and fat than dogs, and will result in its health being seriously jeopardized if fed with dog food for an extended period of time. Dogs do not need taurine since they can make it themselves. Cats require taurine or else will perish. Cats also require lots of protein unlike dogs.Cats need vitamin A
     I personally feed my cats wet and dry food. It increases the amount of water they get and helps keep their teeth clean as well. The wet food is given in the morning and evening, with a small amout of dry food left out when  no one is home during the day. Also, there is always water out and available.

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