Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuxy the Cat, Life and Times After Adoption

Tux was a rescue cat that enjoyed many adventures with his adopting companions until his passing. Please click here to enjoy some of them on his blog.

Tux makes use of available space. Inside the camping trailer  or

enjoying the glorious outdoors!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Follow Lux's Adventures Since His Adoption on His Blog

Triangle Luk the Duke at the shelter before adoption.
     Luk was found in a campground at approximately 2 months of age. He weighed 1.1 lbs, was sickly and not expected to survive. His health concerns of sinus and upper respitory infections took an extended amout of time to respond to treatment. Because his future health was uncertain and possibly chronic, adoption was not a quick or certain process for him.
     Now in a loving home Luk is prospering. Follow his blog.

Luk enjoying the sink at his new home